onsdag, augusti 26

The Hangover

Looking for something fun, controversial and guaranteed to keep you laughing till the next day?

The Hangover, no not me the movie, currently showing in cinemas now, you are sure to find this hilarious just as those already seen it have.

Don’t expect an all round hearty comedy movie for the family, no this is a raw and somewhat silly entertaining movie for those who love the work of director Todd Philips.

It was Todd who created other similar works of comedy genius such as Road Trip and Old School. He does just as an outstanding job with this movie based on a stag night in Las Vegas that goes terribly wrong.

Starring some fresh faces such as Justin Bartha playing the missing groom, Heather Graham as a stripper and the fantastic Zack Galifianakis perfecting the role of the brother in law.

It is refreshing to see new faces in cinema, although a huge fan of comedy giants such as Ferrell and Adam Sandler, this film can stand on its own without them.

A great cameo appearance from Mike Tyson just adds to the whole weirdness o the film but somehow manages to make it work even more.

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Blogger karin said...

Jag tycker att Dan bara blir bättre och bättre. Fast vissa meningar är alltid charmigt obegripliga - som "The Hangover, no not me the movie..." Que?

7:43 em  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Skönt också att ni delar smak, tycker mig ha sett både old school och road trip i din dvd-hylla. //Tobbe

9:50 em  
Blogger Jonas said...

Karin: det där tror jag är hans version av att vara "humorous".

Tobbe: vadå, är du ironisk nu eller inte, jag fattar inte. Jag gillar väl "Old School". Men jag drar nog gränsen vid "Road Trip", mest för att jag inte tål han Tom Green.

10:56 em  

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