James Camerons Avatar Moving Cinema Forward

Avatar is due out in December and is set to shake up the film industry more so than Freddie Krueger’s effort with 3-D. Gone are the days of those red and green cardboard glasses. This new type of filming is comparably innovative to black and white to colour television.
Bored of waiting for the techno-nerds, Cameron co-developed ‘stereoscopic’ cameras which come in pairs to mimic how 3-D images are created by the human eyes. Sounds strange that this might the next generation of filming.
Not content with one groundbreaking type of technology Cameron also developed a ‘virtual camera’, which he calls “the ultimate immersive media”. Allowing him to walk through the onscreen environment to edit and change the viewpoint. He is confident this pioneering technology will exceed the expectations and prove his production skills are truly unique.
From his previous work; Aliens, Terminator and Titanic who are we to argue that this is going to be any less of a blockbuster.
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Nej nej, Samuel. Han får 3 dollar per inlägg. Och säger att han kan leverera upp till tio om dagen.
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